Thinkific iFrame


Thinkific is an all-in-one platform used by businesses to create, market, and sell online courses. iFrame is a web technology used to embed external content into a webpage or other HTML document. It allows for the seamless integration of content from different sources, such as YouTube videos, Google Maps, and more, onto any webpage.

Using an iFrame allows you to easily add content from external sources without having to manually code it in each time. This means that you can easily add content such as videos, images, and maps to your course material without having to write the code yourself every time you want something new added. The use of an iFrame also ensures that any changes made to the embedded content are immediately reflected on the page where it’s displayed – this saves time and makes sure your course material stays up-to-date.


What is an iFrame? 

Definition of iFrame: 

An iFrame (inline frame) is an HTML element that allows you to embed one HTML document inside another. It functions as a window within a window, allowing you to display content from another source without leaving the current page. 

Explanation of how iFrame works: 

When you use an iFrame, the code on your page creates a space within the browser window where content from another page can be inserted and displayed. The other page’s content is pulled in through the URL included in the iFrame’s code. The website which has been embedded appears to be part of your own website, but it’s actually hosted by another domain. To ensure that this process works correctly, web browsers need to support iframes, and applications such as Thinkific must also provide support for them in their platform.


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Benefits of using iFrame in Thinkific 

Easy Embedding of External Content:

 iFrame is a powerful tool that can be used to easily embed external content into your Thinkific course page without having to manually adjust the code. This makes it easy to share videos, images, and other web-based content from other websites directly on your course page. Additionally, you can customize the size and display of the embedded content so that it fits perfectly within your overall design scheme. 

Increased Customization Options: 

Using an iFrame in Thinkific allows for increased customization options by giving you more control over how the embedded content is displayed. You can adjust font sizes, colors, and layout options so that you create a unique look for each part of your course page. With this level of flexibility, you can ensure that your courses have a consistent look across all pages and make sure they stand out from the competition.

Improved Website Performance: 

When using an iFrame on your Thinkific course page, it will help improve website performance since it reduces the amount of loading time needed when displaying external content on your pages. This means that users will have an improved experience when they are taking courses as they won’t have to wait too long for pages to load up or media files to play.


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How to use iFrame in Thinkific

  • Step 1: Access the Course Settings 

To make use of iFrames with Thinkific, you first need to access the course settings page by navigating to your Dashboard > Manage Courses > [Course Name] > Settings. 

  • Step 2: Enable Advanced Customization

Once inside the course settings page, scroll down until you find the section for “Advanced Customization” and select it. This will enable you to add HTML code in your course lessons and pages. 

  • Step 3: Insert HTML Code

Now that advanced customization has been enabled, navigate back to the lesson or page where you want your iFrame embedded and click on the “HTML” button located at the top-right corner of the content editor toolbar. Then copy/paste your iFrame code into this window and save changes when done. 

Step-by-step guide for embedding an iFrame 

  • Step 1: Get Your Embed Code

 The first step is getting your embed code from whichever site or application you are trying to embed in Thinkific. This can be obtained from YouTube, Vimeo, Google Maps etc., depending on what type of content you are trying to display on a course lesson or page. Copy this code once retrieved as we will need it later on in our step-by-step guide. 

  • Step 2: Create Your Iframe Tag

 Next, we will create our iframe tag using HTML syntax, which should look something like this <iframe src=”URL_GOES_HERE”></iframe>. Replace “URL_GOES_HERE” with whatever URL was provided in your embed code that was obtained earlier and save this iframe tag somewhere safe, as we will be needing it again soon! 

  • Step 3: Embed Your Iframe Into Thinkific

Finally, we will insert our previously created iframe tag directly into a course lesson or page via HTML mode within Thinkific’s content editor toolbar (as described earlier). Once completed, simply save changes and preview how it looks!If all looks good, congratulations – You have successfully embedded an iframe into Thinkific! 

Customization options for iFrame in Thinkific 

Setting Height & Width Attributes For Responsive Design 

When creating an iframe tag two important attributes must also be set; height & width (otherwise known as responsive design). These attributes allow us control over how much space each element takes up on a web page based on its sizing values – making sure everything fits nicely together no matter what device is used for viewing! To set these attributes, simply add height=”VALUE” width=”VALUE” immediately after opening <iframe> tag like so <iframe height=”500″ width=”800″>…</iframel> – replacing VALUE with desired size values (in pixels).

Adding A Scrollbar To An Iframe Element In Thinkific

By default, most browsers do not show scrollbars when viewing an iframe element due to its small size however, they can easily be added by adding scrolling=”yes” attribute just before closing </iframe> tag like so <iframe scrolling=”yes”>…</iframel>. This allows users to scroll through content even though it may not fit within the viewable area of the browser window size!


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Best Practices for Using iFrame in Thinkific 

Ensuring Content is Responsive: 

When using an iFrame in Thinkific, it’s important to ensure that the content is responsive across all devices and browsers. This can be done by testing the iFrame on various devices and browsers. Additionally, using specific coding techniques such as HTML and CSS can help to make sure that the content displays correctly regardless of device or browser size. 

Testing iFrame on Various Devices and Browsers: 

Testing the iFrame on different devices and browsers is a crucial step in ensuring proper display of content. By running tests on various platforms, you can better understand how your content will appear across different screens, making sure that any issues are addressed before they become too serious. Additionally, this helps to identify any potential compatibility issues with certain devices or browsers so they can be rectified quickly.

Optimizing iFrame for Search Engines 

Optimizing the iFrames for search engines is another key factor when it comes to successful use of Thinkific’s iframe feature. This involves making sure that all relevant elements such as keywords, titles, meta tags etc., are properly included so that search engines can easily crawl through it and index it appropriately. Additionally, optimizing your website URL structure will also help improve visibility within search engine results pages (SERPs).

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