How to Enhance Your Thinkific Course with Bonus Material Sections: Maximizing Learning Potential


Welcome to our guide on improving your Thinkific site with Bonus Material sections. If you’re unfamiliar with Thinkific, it is an all-in-one platform allowing you to create and sell your online courses. 

One feature that makes Thinkific stand out is the Bonus Material section in its Site Builder. This feature is important because it allows you to offer additional content and resources to your students, which can enhance their learning experience and increase engagement. 

This guide will show you how to add a Bonus Material section to your Thinkific site and provide tips for using it effectively. Let’s get started!


Understanding Bonus Material Sections in Thinkific

If it’s your first time knowing about the Bonus Material section in Thinkific, we’ll help you by explaining what it is and how it works. 

Let’s start with the basics – the Bonus Material section is a feature within the Site Builder that allows you to offer additional resources and content to your students beyond what’s included in the main course curriculum. These sections can contain PDFs, checklists, quizzes, and more.

Why Add Bonus Material to Your Thinkific Site? 

Bonus Material sections can effectively enhance your student’s learning experience and keep them engaged with your course. By providing supplementary resources, you can give your students a more comprehensive understanding of the topic and help them apply what they’ve learned practically. 

Bonus Material can also be a marketing tool to promote your digital products and services. By offering additional content exclusive to your course, you can create a sense of value and exclusivity that encourages students to enroll and complete your course.


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Adding a Bonus Material Section in Thinkific

Now that you understand the benefits of Bonus Materials let’s go over the step-by-step instructions on how to add a Bonus Material section to your Thinkific site.

  1. Before adding the Bonus Material section, create a page on your Thinkific site. If not, go to “Design Your Site” > “Site Pages” > “New Custom Page.”
  2. In the “Site Pages” library, click the pencil icon to edit the page where you want to add the Bonus Material section in Site Builder.
  3. Click “Add section” and select “Bonus Material” from the list. You can also rearrange the position of the new section by clicking and dragging it up or down if necessary.
  4. Once you’ve added the Bonus Material section to the page, click “Bonus Material” to open the section settings.
  5. To add individual items to the section, click the Bonus card and set the item name and description. 
  6. By default, the Bonus Material section contains three items, but you can remove any Bonus blocks you don’t want to use by clicking “Delete block” at the bottom of their settings.
  7. After adding and editing your Bonus Material section, click “Save” to apply your changes.

That’s it! With just a few simple steps, you can add a Bonus Material section to any page on your Thinkific site and offer additional content and resources to your students.


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Best Practices for Using Bonus Material Sections in Thinkific

Thinkific’s Bonus Material section can be an effective tool to promote your digital products and enhance the learning experience for students. Here are some best practices to make the most of this feature:

Offer Valuable and Relevant Content

Ensure your Bonus Material is directly related to your course content and adds value to your students. This could be in the form of extra resources, templates, or tools.

Use Bonus Material to Upsell

You can use Bonus Material to offer special deals, discounts, or promotions for other courses or products you offer. This is a great way to upsell and generate more revenue.

Organize Bonus Material Effectively

Structure your Bonus Material in a way that is easy to navigate and find. Use clear and descriptive titles and organize your content by topic or category.

Limit the Number of Bonus Material Items

While adding a lot of Bonus Material is tempting, striking a balance is important. Too much Bonus Material can overwhelm your students, so only include valuable and relevant items.

Highlight Bonus Material in Your Course

Make sure your students know that Bonus Material is available to them. You can mention it in your course introduction or highlight it in a separate section.


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In conclusion, Bonus Material sections in Thinkific are powerful tools for enhancing your students’ learning experience and promoting your digital products. Following the step-by-step instructions outlined above, you can easily add a Bonus Material section to any page of your Thinkific site. 

When using Bonus Material sections, be sure to keep in mind the best practices we have discussed to maximize their effectiveness. With a little effort and creativity, you can create a rich and engaging learning environment that will keep your students returning for more.

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