How to Use Drip Scheduling in Thinkific to Maximize Course Engagement: A Step-by-Step Guide

Thinkific’s drip scheduling feature is a powerful tool that allows course creators to deliver content automatically over time. This ensures that course participants stay engaged and receive the necessary materials at optimal times. 

By setting up drip schedules, course creators can ensure that participants are updated with what they need to know while providing enough time to process and understand the material before receiving more information.

I am an experienced user of Thinkific, and in this article, I will provide a step-by-step guide on how to use drip scheduling to maximize course engagement. 


What is Drip Scheduling in Thinkific?

Drip scheduling is a feature in Thinkific that allows course creators to deliver content automatically over time. The feature allows you to schedule when certain materials and lessons become available to your students. 

By setting up drip schedules, course creators can ensure that participants are updated with what they need to know while providing enough time to process and understand the material before receiving more information. 

Benefits of Drip Scheduling

As an experienced user of Thinkific, I have seen firsthand the benefits of using drip scheduling in my online courses. Drip scheduling helps keep learners engaged by ensuring they receive notifications about new content when it’s available and allowing them access to only the relevant materials in their learning journey. 

It also ensures consistency by keeping learners on track to complete their courses on time. Finally, it saves course creators time by automating the delivery of content, which would otherwise require manual effort.

How to Set Up Drip Scheduling in Thinkific

Thinkific’s built-in drip scheduling feature can be powerful for course creators. It allows them to deliver content automatically, ensuring participants stay engaged and receive the necessary materials at optimal times. 

In this section, I will provide a step-by-step guide on how to set up a drip schedule for your course in Thinkific. 

Step 1: Log into your account and select “Courses” from the main menu. 

Step 2: Choose the course you would like to create a drip schedule for and click on “Edit Course Details.” 

Step 3: Select “Drip Schedule” from the left side menu. 

Step 4: Check off any modules or lessons you want to include in your drip schedule. 

Step 5: Click “Schedule Options” at the top of the page. You will see two options here – time delay or fixed dates – which allow you to choose when each module or lesson should become available for students to view and complete.  


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Can You Skip Weekends in a Drip Schedule for Thinkific?

As a course creator, you should skip weekends in your drip schedule so that your participants can take their time to go through the materials without feeling rushed. Doing this also prevents them from having to check their emails for new content on Saturdays and Sundays. 

How to Adjust Your Drip Schedule to Skip Weekends in Thinkific

When creating a drip schedule in Thinkific, you can specify when each item should be released—including whether or not it should include weekends. To do this, click the “Advanced Options” button at the bottom of the page and select “Skip Weekend Days.” Doing this will ensure that no items are released over the weekend. 

Best Practices for Using Drip Scheduling in Thinkific

I want to provide some tips on making the most out of the platform’s drip scheduling feature. 

Firstly, ensuring that the content being sent out is relevant and engaging is important. This practice will help keep participants engaged in your course and motivate them to complete it. 

Additionally, it is also important to ensure that all materials are delivered at regular intervals. Doing this will help ensure consistency and prevent confusion amongst course participants. 

Common Mistakes to Avoid when Using Drip Scheduling

It is also essential to avoid common mistakes when using drip scheduling in Thinkific. For one, do not send too much content at once, as this can overwhelm participants and may cause them to become disengaged from your course. 

Secondly, avoid sending out irrelevant or outdated material, as this could confuse your audience or lead them away from the main topic of your course. Finally, remember not to forget any upcoming deadlines throughout your course, as these can hurt engagement levels.


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I have outlined the importance of using drip scheduling in Thinkific to maximize course engagement in this article. 

I have discussed how setting up drip schedules enables course creators to deliver content regularly, helping ensure that course participants stay engaged and receive the necessary materials at the optimal times. I have also provided some tips on making the most out of Thinkific’s drip scheduling feature and some common mistakes to avoid when using it. 

Finally, I encourage instructors to experiment with drip scheduling in Thinkific and see how it can improve their online courses. With its powerful features, they can optimize their teaching strategies and increase student engagement levels.

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