Getting Started with Accessing Thinkific’s Reports Feature 


I am an experienced user of Thinkific and am here to provide a comprehensive introduction to the platform’s Progress Reports feature. 

Thinkific is a powerful online education platform that provides users with the tools and resources to create, market, and sell online courses. It also offers a suite of reporting features enabling course creators to gain valuable insights into how their students progress through the material. 

The Progress Reports feature in Thinkific allows course creators to track student progress individually by providing information such as total time spent on the course, lesson completion rates, and quiz scores. This data can be filtered by date range or student name for more detailed analysis. Additionally, exporting these reports in PDF or CSV format for further review or archiving purposes is possible. 

This article aims to provide an overview of Thinkific’s Progress Reports feature and demonstrate how to use it to gain insight into student performance in your courses. I will also explain how you can access these reports within the Thinkific platform and provide tips on best interpreting them for maximum benefit.  


Accessing Thinkific’s Progress Reports Feature 

To access Thinkific’s Progress Reports feature, log into your Thinkific Dashboard. From there, navigate to the “Reports” tab on the screen’s left side. Once in the Reports tab, you’ll be presented with three categories for generating reports: Students, Courses, and Sales. 

Each report type will provide valuable insights into student performance within your courses – from individual student progress over time to overall course performance metrics such as completion rates and quiz scores. 

Utilizing Advanced Filtering Options for Customized Reporting Outputs 

You can customize these reports using advanced filtering options such as date range or student name. Doing this allows you to narrow your reporting results and better understand how each student engages with your course material. Additionally, exporting these reports in PDF or CSV format for further review or archiving purposes is possible. 

Additional Reporting Tools Available in Thinkific 

In addition to the Progress Reports feature, Thinkific offers a range of other reporting tools that can provide valuable insights into your course performance. These reports include: 

Course Performance Report  

The Course Performance Report provides an overview of how students progress through a particular course. This report includes detailed information such as total time spent on the course, lesson completion rates, and quiz scores. 

Student Performance Report 

The Student Performance Report provides data on an individual student basis and can help you track their progress over time. It includes details such as completion rate, time spent on each lesson, and quiz scores. 


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Course Completion Report 

The Course Completion Report shows which students have completed a course, the date they finished the course, and their overall grade percentage for quizzes and assignments within the course. 

Sales Report 

The Sales Report allows you to monitor sales activity within your courses by providing data such as order totals, payment methods, discounts applied, number of orders placed per month/week/day, etc., and total revenue generated from sales. 

Split Payment Summary Report  

This report reveals any split payments processed through Thinkific, useful if you use payment plans or installment options for your courses. It provides details such as order numbers, payment dates, and amounts paid for each installment plan transaction on your account.   

Refund Activity Report  

Lastly, the Refund Activity report gives you insight into any refunds requested or issued from buyers of your courses so you can keep track of all refund-related transactions within Thinkific.


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It should be clear how beneficial Thinkific’s Progress Reports and other reporting tools can be in helping you gain valuable insights into student performance within your courses. From tracking individual student progress to monitoring overall course completion rates, these reports provide a wealth of information that can help you make informed decisions about the content and structure of your courses. 

The takeaway from this article is that Thinkific’s Progress Reports feature is an invaluable tool for gaining insight into student performance in your courses. With its advanced filtering options, you can customize the reporting results to suit your needs and export them for further review or archiving purposes. 

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