Thinkific Github

Thinkific Github

As an online course platform, Thinkific allows users to create and sell courses using its website builder and payment processing tools. GitHub, on the other hand, is a code hosting platform for version control and collaboration. In recent years, Thinkific has integrated with GitHub to provide a streamlined workflow for course creators who want to manage their course content using GitHub. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of using Thinkific and GitHub together and how this integration can improve your course creation process.




Setting Up GitHub Integration with Thinkific

Thinkific allows course creators to integrate their courses with GitHub, a popular web-based platform used for version control and collaborative software development. Here are the steps to set up GitHub integration with Thinkific:

  1. Log in to your Thinkific account and navigate to the course you want to integrate with GitHub.
  2. Click on the “Settings” tab and select “Integrations.”
  3. Select “GitHub” from the list of integrations and click on “Connect.”
  4. Follow the prompts to sign in to your GitHub account and authorize Thinkific to access it.
  5. Choose the repository you want to connect to your Thinkific course.
  6. Customize your integration settings, such as selecting which file types should be pushed to the repository.
  7. Save your changes and start using the integration.

Integrating Thinkific and GitHub can have several benefits, including:

  • Simplified course creation and maintenance: With GitHub, you can track changes to your course content and collaborate with others in real-time. This can make it easier to manage your course and keep it up-to-date.
  • Increased efficiency: By using GitHub, you can automate certain tasks, such as publishing your course to your website or updating course materials. This can save you time and increase your efficiency.
  • Better course quality: With version control and collaboration tools, you can improve the quality of your course materials and ensure that they are accurate and up-to-date.
  • Improved student experience: By keeping your course materials up-to-date and error-free, you can improve the overall student experience and increase student satisfaction.

In the next section, we will explore some of the specific benefits of integrating Thinkific and GitHub in more detail.



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Using GitHub for Course Development

GitHub is a powerful tool that can be used for course development on Thinkific. By integrating GitHub with Thinkific, course creators can streamline their workflow and collaborate more effectively with team members. Here are some best practices for using GitHub to enhance course development:

Use branches to manage course updates:

Branches allow you to work on new features or updates without affecting the main course content. This ensures that updates are thoroughly tested before they are pushed live.

Use pull requests for collaboration:

Pull requests allow team members to review and provide feedback on course updates before they are merged into the main course content.

Use GitHub issues for tracking bugs and feature requests:

GitHub issues allow you to track bugs and feature requests in a centralized location, making it easier to manage and prioritize them.

Use GitHub actions for automation: GitHub actions can be used to automate repetitive tasks such as testing, building, and deploying course content. This can save time and ensure that course updates are consistently delivered to learners.

By incorporating these best practices into their workflow, course creators can take advantage of the powerful collaboration and automation capabilities of GitHub to streamline their course development process.



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Version Control with GitHub and Thinkific

Version control is an essential aspect of course development as it allows you to keep track of changes made to your content over time. This is especially important when working on a course with a team. GitHub offers robust version control functionality that can be integrated with Thinkific to streamline course development.

To use GitHub for version control with Thinkific, simply connect your GitHub account to your Thinkific course. Then, you can easily create new branches for different versions of your course content, merge changes made by different team members, and revert to previous versions of your course content if needed.

Using GitHub for version control on Thinkific offers several benefits, including the ability to collaborate more efficiently with your team, avoid conflicts in content changes, and maintain a clear and organized record of all changes made to your course content.



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GitHub for Course Delivery on Thinkific

Online course creators often have to host course files for delivery on a content delivery network (CDN). Thinkific allows creators to host their course files on their servers, but using GitHub can offer additional benefits.

Using GitHub to Host Course Files for Delivery on Thinkific

GitHub can be used as a content delivery network (CDN) to host course files for delivery on Thinkific. The files are stored in a public or private repository on GitHub, and the URL of the repository is added as an external content source on Thinkific.

How to Set Up GitHub as a Content Source on Thinkific

To set up GitHub as a content source on Thinkific, creators must first create a repository on GitHub and upload their course files to the repository. Then, they must create a personal access token on GitHub and add it to their Thinkific account. Finally, they must add the URL of the repository as an external content source on Thinkific.

Benefits of Using GitHub for Course Delivery on Thinkific

Using GitHub for course delivery on Thinkific has several benefits. First, it can improve the speed and reliability of course delivery, as GitHub is designed to handle large file transfers. Second, it can help creators manage course files more easily, as they can use version control tools on GitHub to track changes and collaborate with team members. Finally, it can reduce hosting costs, as GitHub offers a generous amount of free storage for repositories.



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In conclusion, the integration between Thinkific and GitHub can significantly streamline the course development and delivery process. From setting up the integration to using GitHub for version control and course delivery, GitHub provides numerous benefits for course creators using Thinkific. By using GitHub for course development, creators can easily collaborate, track changes, and maintain version control. Additionally, hosting course files on GitHub can improve delivery speed and reduce downtime. If you’re a course creator on Thinkific, it’s worth considering integrating GitHub into your workflow. With its many benefits, it’s a powerful tool for creating and delivering high-quality courses.


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