Set Up Thinkific Test


Testing your Thinkific site before launching is essential to ensure that your online course business is functioning correctly. Setting up a test site on Thinkific can help you make sure everything is working as intended before making it live. In this article, we will discuss the importance of testing your Thinkific site and the benefits of setting up a test site.


How to Set Up a Test Site on Thinkific

Step-by-step guide on how to create a test site on Thinkific

If you’re planning to launch an online course on Thinkific, it’s important to test your site before making it public. Here’s how to set up a test site on Thinkific:

  1. Log in to your Thinkific account.
  2. Click on the “Manage Learning Content” button.
  3. Select “Manage Site Builder.”
  4. Scroll down and select “Create a New Site.”
  5. Choose a name for your test site.
  6. Select a theme for your test site.
  7. Add any necessary content to your test site.

Explanation of the different customization options available,

By setting up a test site, you can ensure that everything on your course site is working as it should before launching it to the public. This can help you catch any potential issues or errors and make necessary adjustments before your course goes live.


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Testing Your Thinkific Site

Testing Your Thinkific Site to Ensure It Works Fine

Before launching your site, it’s essential to conduct a thorough test to ensure that everything works perfectly. Here are some elements of your site to test:

  1. Navigation: Test all the links and buttons on your site to ensure that they direct to the intended pages.
  2. User Experience: Check the user experience to ensure it’s smooth and easy to use. Ensure the site loads fast and has clear and concise instructions.
  3. Course Delivery: Test your course delivery to ensure that your students can access the content easily and that the content is displayed correctly.

By thoroughly testing your Thinkific site, you will be able to identify and fix any issues before launch, ensuring that your students have a seamless experience. Below are some tips for conducting effective testing:

  1. Create a testing plan: Identify the key elements of your site to test and create a testing plan.
  2. Test in different browsers and devices: Test your site in different browsers and devices to ensure compatibility.
  3. Use real users: Consider using real users to test your site so you get real feedback on the user experience.
  4. Use tools: Consider using tools such as Google Analytics to track site performance and user behavior.

By following the tips above, you’ll be able to conduct thorough and effective testing of your Thinkific site, ensuring a seamless experience for your students.


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Troubleshooting Common Issues

When testing your Thinkific site, you may encounter some common issues that could affect the user experience. Here are some tips on how to troubleshoot them:

Slow loading speed:

If your site is taking too long to load, try optimizing your images and reducing the size of your videos. You can also check with your hosting provider to ensure that you have sufficient server resources.

Broken links:

Broken links can be frustrating for users and could affect your search engine rankings. Use a link checker tool to identify and fix any broken links.

Formatting issues:

Make sure that your site looks and functions correctly across different devices and browsers. Test your site on various devices, including desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones.

If you encounter any issues that you can’t resolve on your own, Thinkific provides support resources and a community forum where you can get additional assistance.


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Launching Your Thinkific Site

After thorough testing and troubleshooting, you are now ready to launch your Thinkific site. Here are some steps to follow:

Set up your payment gateway and pricing options:

Thinkific offers various payment options such as one-time payments, subscriptions, and payment plans. Choose the best pricing option that suits your courses and audience.

Customize your course pages:

Make your course pages visually appealing and informative by adding images, videos, and other multimedia content.

Promote your site:

Use social media, email marketing, and other channels to promote your site and reach potential students.

Provide excellent customer support:

Offer timely and effective customer support to your students to ensure a positive experience and encourage referrals.

Remember to keep testing and optimizing your site even after launching to ensure continued success.


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When it comes to launching an online course, thorough testing is crucial for ensuring a smooth user experience and maximizing your chances of success. Setting up a test site on Thinkific provides numerous benefits, including the ability to customize your site and test different elements before going live. By following the steps outlined in this article and thoroughly testing your Thinkific site, you can feel confident in your launch and focus on promoting your courses to potential students. Remember, testing is an ongoing process, so continue to gather feedback and make improvements to your site to stay ahead of the competition.

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