Segmenting a List in Thinkific


Email marketing is an essential tool for online businesses, as it allows them to connect with their customers and keep them informed about new products or services. To maximize the effectiveness of email campaigns, it is important to segment your list into smaller, more targeted groups. List segmentation makes it easier to tailor emails to specific audiences and ensure that the right message is being sent at the right time.

This article will provide a step-by-step guide on how to segment a list in Thinkific so that you can get the most out of your email campaigns. We will cover topics such as creating custom segments, setting up automated rules, and managing existing segments.


What is List Segmentation?

List segmentation is the process of separating subscribers into different groups based on their interests, preferences, or behavior. It allows you to tailor your messages and campaigns to specific segments of your list, making them more relevant and effective.

Why is List Segmentation Important?

List segmentation helps you ensure that the right message is sent to the right person at the right time. By dividing your list into smaller groups based on certain criteria, you can make sure that each subscriber receives content that is tailored specifically to them. This can help boost engagement and conversion rates by providing a more personalized experience for your customers.

Benefits of Segmenting a List:

The benefits of segmenting a list include improved delivery rates, better targeting for campaigns, higher open rates, increased click-throughs, and higher conversions. Additionally, it gives you greater insight into customer behaviors and preferences so you can create more targeted campaigns in the future.


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How to Segment a List in Thinkific

Thinkific provides powerful tools for creating and managing lists of learners. To get started, you will need to create a list by entering the names and email addresses of your learners into the “Create a List” page. Once the list is created, it can be used for various purposes such as segmenting your learners based on different criteria.

Different ways to segment a list in Thinkific

Thinkific offers several options for segmenting your lists: by course progress, enrollment date, quiz or survey results, and custom fields. Here is an overview of each method:

 By course progress: You can use this option to segment your list based on which courses learners are enrolled in or their progress within those courses. This is useful if you want to send targeted messages to learners who have completed certain courses or reached specific milestones within them.

 By enrollment date: You can use this option to segment your list based on when learners enrolled in one or more of your courses. This is useful if you want to send targeted messages to newer or older members of your community.

 By quiz or survey results: You can use this option to segment your list based on how they performed on quizzes or surveys associated with any of your courses. This is useful if you want to send targeted messages about additional resources that may help improve performance where needed.  

By custom fields: You can use this option if you have added custom fields (e.g., interests, location) when creating profiles for your learners and would like to target specific segments with tailored messaging (e.g., local events).  

Step-by-step instructions for each segmentation method:

Creating segments using any of these methods requires just a few simple steps:

By Course Progress : On the “Lists” page, select the relevant list from the dropdown menu, then click “Segment.” Select “Course Progress” from the menu, then choose which course(s), lesson(s), milestone(s), etc., you would like included in that particular segment before clicking “Save.” The new segments will appear under “My Segments”.  

By Enrollment Date : On the “Lists” page, select the relevant list from the dropdown menu, then click “Segment.” Select “Enrollment Date” from the menu, then specify which dates/time frames should be included before clicking “Save” The new segments will appear under “My Segments”

By Quiz/Survey Results: On the “Lists” page select relevant list from the dropdown menu then click “Segment” Select “Quiz/Survey Results” from the menu then choose which quiz/survey and scores should be included before clicking “Save” The new segments will appear under My Segments

By Custom Fields : On Lists page select relevant list from the dropdown menu then click Segment Select Custom Fields from Menu Choose type field selection – e g Location Interests Then enter desired values separated by commas e g Singapore Music Click Save New segments will appear under My Segments


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Best Practices for List Segmentation in Thinkific

Discuss best practices for segmenting a list in Thinkific:

Segmentation is an important part of any email marketing strategy, and it’s essential to get it right when using Thinkific. It’s important to start by breaking down your list into smaller, more targeted segments that are relevant to the content you want to send out. This will allow you to create more personalized emails and make sure they reach the right people at the right time.

Use data to inform segmentation decisions:

It’s also important to use data-driven decision-making when it comes to segmenting your lists in Thinkific. Look at user engagement data over time, such as open rates, click-through rates, and unsubscribes, and use this information to inform your segmentation decisions. This will help ensure that you’re sending out the most relevant content possible and maximizing engagement with your audience.

Avoid over-segmentation:

Although segmentation can be a powerful tool for targeting specific audiences with relevant content, it’s important not to go overboard with too many segments or criteria.

Over-segmenting can lead to confusion or missed opportunities and decreased engagement from users who don’t receive tailored messages that are relevant to them. Make sure you focus on creating meaningful segments based on meaningful criteria rather than trying too hard just for the sake of having more segments.

Test and optimize segmentation strategies:

Testing different strategies is key when it comes to optimizing list segmentation in Thinkific. Try out different criteria or combinations of criteria and see which ones result in higher engagement from your users. You may need some trial and error before reaching optimal results but testing is essential if you want your campaigns to be successful over time.  

Provide examples of successful list segmentation strategies:

Here are some examples of successful list segmentation strategies used with Thinkific: Targeting customers who have purchased specific products or courses; targeting users who have completed certain quizzes; targeting based on activity levels (e.g., frequent vs inactive customers); targeting based on location; etc. All these strategies can be effective depending on what type of content you’re looking to send out, so experiment a bit until you find what works best for you!


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Benefits of List Segmentation in Thinkific

Discuss the benefits of segmenting a list in Thinkific

List segmentation is an effective way to divide a large list into smaller, more targeted groups that are easier to manage and communicate with. By segmenting your lists in Thinkific, you can enjoy many benefits such as:

More targeted and personalized messaging: By grouping contacts based on their interests, demographics, or other factors, you can send more relevant messages that are tailored to each individual group. This will lead to higher engagement rates and better conversions.

Higher open and click-through rates: Segmented lists also tend to have higher open and click-through rates, because the messages sent, are more likely to be relevant to the recipient’s interests. This means that your campaigns will be more successful with segmented lists than with standard “blast” emails sent to everyone on your list.

Increased engagement and conversions: With more personalized messages, your contacts will be more likely to engage with your content or take action such as making a purchase or signing up for an event. This will result in increased conversions for your business.

Examples of businesses that have successfully used list segmentation in Thinkific

Many businesses have seen success with using list segmentation in Thinkific. For example, an e-commerce store may use it to send promotional emails about new products only to customers who have previously purchased similar items from them; a fitness center may use it to target members who have attended classes at specific times; or a software company may use it for sending product updates only to users who have registered for certain features or programs.


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In conclusion, segmenting your lists in Thinkific is a powerful way to optimize the delivery of your messages and increase engagement with your audience. It allows you to create more targeted and effective campaigns, as well as save time by automating certain processes. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily take advantage of Thinkific’s list segmentation features.

For those who want to learn more about Thinkific’s features or are looking for additional resources on list segmentation, there are numerous helpful guides available online. Additionally, Thinkific offers a range of support materials and documentation that can help users get started with their platform and make the most out of its features.

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