Is Thinkific GDPR Compliant?


When it comes to creating and selling online courses, it is imperative to make sure that you are complying to all laws where your courses are being sold. One of these platforms, Thinkific is just that. It is GDPR compliant to ensure that it is legally operating in the European Union.

There are many things that Thinkific excels at. It offers a ton of features and tools that make it easy for anyone to create, market, and sell their own online course.

It is simple to use, customizable and offers various features that can help you grow your business.Most of all, it is a platform that knows how to protect and respect the privacy of your students.

This is where GDPR compliance comes in. In this article, we’re going to take a look at Thinkific’s top characteristics and dive into whether or not it’s GDPR compliant.



What is GDPR?

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a regulation in EU law on data protection and privacy for all individuals within the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EEA). It came into effect on May 25, 2018, replacing the 1995 Data Protection Directive.

The GDPR aims to give EU citizens more control over their personal data and to simplify the regulatory environment for international business by unifying the regulation within the EU.

As we move forward, we will take a deeper dive into how Thinkific’s features and tools assist course creators in obtaining explicit consent from learners for data collection, usage, and storage, providing clear and transparent privacy policies, and allowing data subjects to access, correct, delete or export their data.



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Is Thinkific GDPR Compliant?

One of the key aspects of GDPR is obtaining explicit consent for data collection, usage and storage. Thinkific understands the importance of this, which is why they have made it easy for course creators to obtain consent from learners.

When learners sign up for a course, they are presented with a clear and concise privacy policy that explains how their data will be used. Only after reviewing and accepting the policy will they be able to complete the registration process.

Thinkific also provides clear and transparent privacy policies for course creators to use on their course landing pages and checkout process. These policies are designed to be easy for learners to understand and include information about data collection, usage, and storage.

In addition, Thinkific allows course creators to easily comply with requests from learners to access, correct, delete or export their data. This is done through a simple and user-friendly interface, making it easy for course creators to respond to GDPR requests quickly and efficiently.

Furthermore, Thinkific has received certifications and awards for its data protection and privacy practices, which demonstrate their commitment to keeping learners’ personal data safe and secure.



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In conclusion, not only is Thinkific and versatile tool in making online courses, it is also GDPR compliant, providing course creators with the necessary tools to obtain explicit consent, provide clear and transparent privacy policies, and easily comply with requests from learners to access, correct, delete or export their data.

With Thinkific, you can be confident that your learners’ personal data is safe and secure, while also growing your business.


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Thinkific GPDR Compliant Frequently Asked Questions

Is Thinkific GDPR compliant?

Yes, Thinkific is GDPR compliant. The platform offers a variety of features and tools to assist course creators in obtaining explicit consent from learners for data collection, usage, and storage.

Thinkific also provides clear and transparent privacy policies, and makes it easy for course creators to comply with requests from learners to access, correct, delete or export their data. Additionally, Thinkific has received certifications and awards for its data protection and privacy practices, demonstrating its commitment to keeping learners’ personal data safe and secure.

Can I use Thinkific to sell my course globally?

Yes, Thinkific allows you to sell your courses globally.

The platform supports multiple currencies and languages and also allows for easy integration with a variety of payment processors, so you can accept payments from anywhere in the world.

How does Thinkific handle data security?

Thinkific takes data security very seriously and has implemented a variety of security measures to protect your and your students’ data.

The platform uses SSL encryption to protect data transmission, and also has a variety of other security protocols in place, such as regular backups, firewalls and intrusion detection systems. Additionally, Thinkific complies with industry-standard security regulations, such as PCI DSS and SOC 2.

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