How to Use Thinkific Course Builder

How to Use Thinkific Course Builder

The Thinkific course builder is an online tool that allows course creators to design, develop and deliver their courses on the internet. It offers a wide range of features and functionalities to make the course creation process easier and more efficient.

Whether you are an experienced course creator or just starting out, knowing how to use the Thinkific course builder is an essential skill that can help you create high-quality, engaging courses that meet the needs of your students. In this article, we will guide you through the basics of the Thinkific course builder and show you how to create a course that is engaging, effective, and successful.


Getting Started with the Thinkific Course Builder

Accessing the Course Builder

To access the Thinkific course builder, you must first create a Thinkific account. Once you have signed up for an account, log in to your dashboard and click on the “Courses” tab. Here you will find an option to create a new course. Click on this button to start building your course.

Understanding the Course Builder Dashboard

The Thinkific course builder dashboard is where you will manage all aspects of your course. It is divided into several sections, including course settings, curriculum, sales and pricing, and site builder. Each section contains a range of tools and options to help you create and manage your course.

Navigating the Course Builder Interface

The course builder interface is easy to navigate and intuitive to use. It features a drag-and-drop design that makes it easy to add new sections, modules, and lessons to your course. To add new content, simply click on the “Add Content” button and select the type of content you want to add, such as a video, quiz, or text lesson.

You can also customize the layout and design of your course using the built-in theme editor. Additionally, the course builder interface includes a range of useful features, such as course progress tracking, student messaging, and content drip scheduling, which can help you create a more engaging and effective course.


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Creating Course Content with Thinkific Builder

Creating course content is the most important part of building an online course. With Thinkific Builder, you can create engaging course content that will keep your students interested and motivated. Here are the different ways to create course content using Thinkific Builder.

Adding Course Chapters and Lessons

Thinkific Builder allows you to create course content by organizing them into chapters and lessons. You can add text, images, videos, audio, and other multimedia content to your course lessons. You can also choose to drip content to your students, meaning you can set a specific time when a lesson becomes available to them.

Uploading Multimedia Content

Thinkific Builder also allows you to upload multimedia content such as videos, images, and audio to your course. You can embed YouTube videos, upload audio files, and add images to your course content. You can also add captions to your videos, making it easier for your students to follow along.

Creating Quizzes and Surveys

Thinkific Builder also allows you to create quizzes and surveys to test your students’ knowledge and understanding of the course material. You can create multiple-choice questions, true or false questions, and open-ended questions to engage your students and assess their progress.

Integrating Interactive Elements

Thinkific Builder also allows you to integrate interactive elements such as discussions, assignments, and polls into your course. This feature helps to keep your students engaged and motivated while taking the course.

In summary, with Thinkific Builder, you can create engaging and interactive course content that will keep your students interested and motivated. You can add multimedia content, create quizzes and surveys, and integrate interactive elements to your course.


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Customizing the Look and Feel of Your Course

When creating a course with Thinkific, it’s important to make sure that it looks and feels professional and engaging to students. This involves customizing the appearance and settings of your course, which can be done easily through the Thinkific Course Builder.

Choosing a Course Theme

One of the easiest ways to customize the look and feel of your course is by choosing a course theme. Thinkific offers a variety of pre-designed themes that you can choose from, or you can create your own custom theme. Themes control the overall look of your course, including the colors, fonts, and layout.

Customizing Course Navigation

In addition to choosing a theme, you can also customize the navigation of your course. This includes adding or removing menu items, rearranging the order of menu items, and creating custom pages. By customizing the navigation of your course, you can make it easier for students to find what they’re looking for and navigate through your content.

Adjusting Course Settings

Thinkific also allows you to adjust various course settings, such as enabling or disabling course discussions, setting up drip content, and setting course prerequisites. By adjusting these settings, you can create a course that meets the unique needs of your students.

Branding Your Course with Logos and Images

Finally, you can add your own logos and images to your course to brand it and make it more visually appealing. This includes adding your logo to the course homepage and course player, as well as adding images to your course content. By adding your own branding elements, you can create a course that reflects your unique brand and style.


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Marketing and Selling Your Course with Thinkific Builder

As important as creating course content is, marketing and selling your course is just as crucial to its success. The Thinkific builder provides tools and features to help you effectively market and sell your course.

Creating Sales Pages

The first step to marketing and selling your course is creating a compelling sales page. With Thinkific, you can use the drag-and-drop builder to create a professional-looking sales page quickly. You can add multimedia content, such as videos and images, to showcase your course and make it more appealing to potential students.

Setting up Payment Gateways and Pricing

Thinkific supports a wide range of payment gateways, including Stripe and PayPal, to make it easy for you to collect payments from your students. You can also set up different pricing options, such as one-time payments or recurring subscriptions, to give your students more flexibility.

Creating Coupons and Discounts

Offering coupons and discounts is a great way to incentivize students to enroll in your course. With Thinkific, you can create and manage coupons and discounts easily. You can set up a discount code that can be used at checkout, create a percentage or dollar amount discount, or create a time-limited promotion.

Integrating with Email Marketing Services

Email marketing is a powerful tool for promoting your course and building relationships with your students. Thinkific integrates with a variety of email marketing services, such as Mailchimp and ConvertKit, to make it easy for you to connect with your students and automate your email campaigns.

In conclusion, Thinkific Builder provides a complete solution for creating, marketing, and selling your online course. With its intuitive interface and powerful features, you can create a professional-looking course quickly and easily and take it to market without any technical expertise.


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Managing Your Course with Thinkific Builder

Thinkific Builder not only allows you to create and sell your course, but it also enables you to manage your course and student activities effectively. Here are some features that can help you manage your course:

Monitoring Student Progress and Performance

You can monitor student progress by viewing their completion rates, quiz scores, and other analytics. This data can help you track student engagement and identify areas where you may need to improve your course content.

Managing Course Content and Course Access

Thinkific allows you to manage your course content and schedule by organizing your content into chapters and lessons. You can also control the release of your course content to students and set up prerequisites for accessing content.

Engaging with Students and Providing Support

You can engage with students by using Thinkific’s built-in community and discussion features. You can also provide support through email or by creating a knowledge base or FAQ section within your course. By engaging with your students, you can improve their learning experience and increase course retention rates.


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If you want to create and sell online courses, Thinkific Course Builder is an excellent platform to use. In this article, we’ve covered the basics of using the builder, including accessing and navigating the course builder interface, creating course content, customizing your course, marketing and selling your course, and managing your course. By following these steps, you can create a course that engages your students and delivers real value. Remember to keep your students’ needs in mind at all times, and be responsive to their feedback and questions. With the right approach, you can create a successful and profitable online course with Thinkific.

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