How To Set Up Email Subscription on Thinkific


Email subscription is an essential component of any successful online course. It not only allows you to stay in touch with your students but also helps you build relationships and increase engagement.

Thinkific offers a powerful email subscription tool that allows you to set up automated emails for new course enrolments, course reminders, announcements, and more. In this article, we will provide a step-by-step guide on how to set up email subscriptions on Thinkific.

The purpose of this article is to help Thinkific users understand the email subscription feature and how they can use it effectively to create engaging courses and grow their student base.


Setting Up Email Subscription on Thinkific

How to set up an email subscription on Thinkific:

Thinkific has a built-in feature that allows you to set up an email subscription for your courses. This feature allows you to easily keep your students informed about any changes or updates to the course, and it also helps build engagement and loyalty. To enable this feature, simply follow these steps:

  1. Log into your Thinkific account and select “Email Subscriptions” from the left-hand menu bar.
  2. Select the course you would like to enable email subscriptions for, then click “Enable Email Subscriptions”.
  3. On the next page, you can customize your settings as desired (e.g., frequency of emails).
  4. Once you are done customizing settings, click “Save,” and your email subscribers will be enabled for that course!

A step-by-step guide to enabling email subscription for your course:

  1. Log into your Thinkific account and select “Email Subscriptions” from the left-hand menu bar.  
  2. Select the course that you want to enable email subscriptions for, then click “Enable Email Subscriptions.”  
  3. On the next page, customize any settings as desired (e.g., frequency of emails). 
  4.  Once finished customizing settings, hit “Save,” and you’re all set! Your email subscription is now enabled for that specific course!

Customizing Email Subscription Settings:

Thinkific offers several options when it comes to customizing how often students receive emails about their courses: weekly or monthly digest emails, notification emails every time there is an update, or no notifications at all (if desired). Additionally, users can add personalization fields such as first name or last name in order to make their messages more personalized and engaging!


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Creating Email Campaigns on Thinkific

Thinkific allows users to create email campaigns, automated sequences, and other marketing tools. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to create email campaigns with Thinkific:

How to Create Email Campaigns on Thinkific:

The first step in creating an email campaign is logging in to your Thinkific account and navigating to the Marketing tab. From there, you can click “Create Email Campaign” and enter the details of your campaign such as the name, subject line, and content of the email.

Using the Built-In Email Editor:

Once you have entered all the necessary information for your campaign, you can use the built-in editor to customize your emails further. This includes adding images or videos, formatting text using bold or italics, and customizing fonts and colors for different sections of your message. You can also save templates for future use or test out different versions of your emails before sending them out.

Creating Automated Email Sequences:

Thinkific also offers automated sequences that allow you to send out multiple emails at predetermined intervals. This feature is great for staying in touch with subscribers who may have signed up but haven’t made a purchase yet. You can set up specific triggers that will automatically send out emails based on user activity, such as signing up for a course or completing a lesson.


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Managing Email Subscribers on Thinkific

How to manage email subscribers on Thinkific:

Thinkific allows users to easily manage their email subscribers through the ‘Email Subscribers’ tab in the admin dashboard. This tab provides an overview of all the emails that have been collected through signups and campaigns, as well as a way to export these lists for further analysis.

Viewing and exporting email lists:

Once you click into the ‘Email Subscribers’ tab, you can view a list of all your subscribers and their associated information such as name, email address, date joined, etc. You can also filter this list by criteria such as subscriber status or segmentation tags. Additionally, you can export this list in various formats such as .csv or .xls for further analysis or integration with other tools.

Monitoring email engagement metrics:

Thinkific also provides useful insights into how engaged your subscribers are with your emails via its engagement metrics dashboard. This dashboard displays key metrics such as open rate, click-through rate (CTR), unsubscribes, unsubscribed spam complaints, etc., providing valuable feedback about how effective your emails are at driving action from your subscribers.


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Best Practices for Email Subscription on Thinkific

Tips for optimizing the use of email subscription for your course:

Thinkific offers a powerful email subscription feature that can be used to keep students engaged with their courses. Here are some tips to help you optimize this feature and get the most out of it:

  • Set up automated emails to be sent to new subscribers. This will ensure that they receive relevant, personalized content as soon as they sign up.
  • Integrate thinkific with other email software, such as MailChimp, so that you can easily access additional features and data about your subscribers.
  • Test different subject lines and content formats to find out what works best for your audience.
  • Use A/B testing when creating campaigns, so that you can measure the performance of each version and determine which one performs better.
  • Make sure all emails are mobile friendly, since many people now access their emails from their phones or tablets.  

Creating effective email content:

Writing engaging email content is essential for getting students interested in your course and keeping them subscribed to your list. Here are some tips for creating effective email content:

  • Keep it concise
    make sure your message is clear and concise so that readers don’t lose interest before reaching the end of the email.
  • Focus on benefits
    focus on how taking the action requested in the email will benefit them personally instead of just making an appeal based on facts or figures.
  • Incorporate visuals
    adding visuals such as images or videos will help break up text and make it easier to read while also providing a visual representation of what you’re talking about in the email
  • Copywriting
    good copywriting is vital in order to grab attention, create interest, build trust, and encourage readers to take action!

Segmenting and targeting email campaigns:

Segmenting campaigns allow you to target specific audiences with tailored messages based on their interests or behaviors. This helps increase open rates by sending more relevant emails that are likely to be opened by recipients who have already expressed an interest in similar topics or products related to yours. Here are some strategies for segmenting campaigns:

  • Create distinct segments based on user behavior (e.g., those who have purchased a course vs those who have not).
  • Identify key demographic information (e.g., location) which could influence how users interact with your product/service.
  • Analyze customer feedback (e.g., surveys) in order to gain further insight into user preferences and needs.
  • Use social media listening tools (e.g., Hootsuite) in order to identify trends or topics relevant to certain demographics or segments within your audience which could help inform targeted messaging strategies
  • Monitor activity-related keywords/hashtags across platforms (including Twitter) in order to point influential users who may become potential customers if targeted correctly with the right message at the right time


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Email subscription on Thinkific is a powerful tool for online course creators. It enables them to stay connected with their students and keep them engaged in their courses by sending timely emails about new content and other updates. It also allows course creators to build relationships with their students, which can lead to increased sales and loyalty.

The key to an effective email subscription is to make sure that your emails are relevant, interesting, and engaging. Aim for quality over quantity when it comes to sending out emails, as this will ensure that your subscribers remain interested in what you have to offer. 

Additionally, be sure to provide useful information so that your subscribers can get the most out of your content. Finally, pay attention to user feedback and adjust accordingly in order to maximize the effectiveness of your emails.

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