How to Give Students Easy Access to Thinkific Courses: A Comprehensive Guide


Are you looking to share your knowledge and expertise with students through online courses? If so, you need a platform that makes it easy for your students to access your courses. 

Thinkific is a powerful course creation and delivery platform that enables you to create and manage your courses while giving your students a seamless and user-friendly learning experience. This comprehensive guide will discuss how to give your students easy access to Thinkific courses and how to customize their learning experience to fit their unique needs. 

So, whether you’re a seasoned course creator or just getting started, keep reading to learn how to take your online courses to the next level.


Creating a Thinkific Course

Creating a course on Thinkific is a straightforward process that involves a few simple steps. First, you need to plan and organize your course content to ensure that it meets your students’ learning objectives. Then, you can use Thinkific’s course creation tools to build your course content, including text, video, audio, and other interactive elements. 

When creating your course, it’s essential to keep your students in mind and make it easy for them to access the content. You can achieve this by organizing your course content into logical sections and providing clear instructions on navigating the course. 

By creating easy access and navigating the course, you can provide your students with a seamless learning experience that keeps them engaged and motivated to continue their learning journey.

Setting Up Student Access

What happens when your Thinkific courses are accessed? Well, when students enroll in your course on Thinkific, they are granted access to your learning content through their Student Dashboard. 

The dashboard serves as a central hub for all of their courses and includes features such as progress tracking, course completion certificates, and access to support resources. To enroll in a course, students can initiate the enrollment process for a paid product on your Thinkific site. They will be guided through a checkout process where they can purchase your course for a fee or enroll in it for free if you offer it as a free product. 

Once enrolled, they can access the course content from their dashboard.

Ways to Grant Students Access to Thinkific Courses

There are different ways to grant access to your Thinkific courses to your students. Listed below are three of the most common ways:

Students Purchase Your Course for Free or for a Price

The most common way to grant access to your course is by allowing students to purchase it for free or at a price. 

You can set up your course pricing options in your Thinkific admin dashboard. Once students purchase your course, they will be automatically enrolled and can access it from their Student Dashboard.

Admins Enroll the Students in a Course One-by-one

If you want to do the work of putting your students in one of your courses, you can manually enroll students in your course one by one. This option is useful if you want to grant access to specific students who cannot purchase your course through checkout. 

To manually enroll a student, go to “Support Your Students” > “Users” from your admin dashboard and create a new user using your student’s data. If the student has already purchased one of your Thinkific products, go back to the Users page and search for them. 

Once you have found or created your student, you must choose which course to enroll them in. Once done, click “Enroll.”

Admins Enroll Multiple Students in a Course (Bulk Enrollment)

If you need to enroll multiple students in a course at once, you can use Thinkific’s bulk enrollment feature. This one-of-a-kind feature is particularly useful if you have many students you need to enroll in a course quickly.

To use the bulk enrollment feature, go to “Support Your Students” > “Users” from your admin dashboard and choose how many students you want to enroll at once by checking on the box next to their names. Next, click on the small Enroll icon with the (+) sign, then choose the course you want to enroll them in. 

Once that’s done, click “Enroll’ to confirm bulk enrollment. Note that you can only bulk enroll students one course at a time. The bulk enrollment feature is only available for Thinkific users in higher-tier plans, starting with the Grow plan. 


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Customizing Student Access

When creating a course on Thinkific, various ways exist to customize student access to suit your needs. Here are some of the options available:

  • Public Courses (default): By default, courses on Thinkific are public, which means anyone can enroll and access the course content.
  • Drip Courses: Drip courses allow you to release course content to students over a set period. You can set specific dates when course content will be available to students. Drip courses can be useful for aligning course content with a particular event or timeframe.
  • Prerequisite Courses: Prerequisite courses must be completed before students can access another course. You can set up course completion requirements, such as quizzes or assignments, that students must complete before accessing later course content. Prerequisites can be helpful to ensure that students understand the material well before moving on to more advanced content.
  • Private or Hidden Courses: Private or hidden courses are not publicly available on your Thinkific site. Students can only access these courses if they are enrolled by an admin or given a direct link to the course.

Troubleshooting Access Issues

It’s common for students to encounter access issues while using Thinkific, which can be frustrating for both the student and the instructor. Here are some common access issues that students may face on Thinkific:

Forgot Password

If a student forgets their password, they may be unable to access the course. The student can easily reset their password by clicking the “Forgot password” link on the login page and following the instructions.

Login Issues

Sometimes, students may have trouble logging into their accounts due to issues such as incorrect login credentials or browser cookies. In this case, trying a different browser or clearing the cache and cookies on their current browser is recommended.

Payment Issues

If a student has paid for a course but still can’t access it, it’s possible that the payment may not have been processed correctly. It’s recommended to check the payment status and contact support if the issue persists.

Course Access Issues

If a student cannot access a specific course, the course access settings may need to be adjusted. The instructor can check the course access settings to ensure they are configured correctly.

To troubleshoot these and other access issues, it’s important to clearly understand the Thinkific platform and its features. The Thinkific support team is also available to assist and help resolve any access issues.


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In conclusion, giving students easy access to Thinkific courses is crucial for creating a successful online learning experience. To recap, giving students access to Thinkific courses involves creating a Thinkific course, signing them up through different methods, such as student purchase or admin enrollment, and setting up different course types and access controls to tailor the learning experience to your needs. Troubleshooting access issues is also essential to ensuring your students have a seamless experience on Thinkific.

To provide additional tips for giving students access to Thinkific courses, here are some suggestions:

  • Use clear and concise language when providing instructions to students.
  • Regularly update your course content and settings to ensure students have the most up-to-date information.
  • Provide timely support to students who encounter access issues by setting up a support system, such as a contact form or a chatbot.
  • Test your course access and troubleshoot issues before launching your course to students.

By following these tips and the steps outlined in this comprehensive guide, you can ensure your students have easy access to your Thinkific courses and have a successful online learning experience.

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