Disabling Thinkific Editor


As an online course creator, the Thinkific course builder is an essential tool in creating engaging and interactive courses. The Thinkific editor allows you to customize your course content with various features such as text, images, videos, and quizzes, to name a few. However, some users may find themselves wanting to disable the editor for various reasons.


The Thinkific Editor and Its Features 

Thinkific’s editor is a powerful tool that allows you to create and edit course content using a simple drag-and-drop interface. The editor includes a range of features that make it easy for course creators to create engaging and interactive content, including the ability to add multimedia content, embed videos, and create custom quizzes.

Reasons to Disable the Thinkific Editor 

While the editor is an incredibly useful tool, there may be various reasons why someone might want to disable it. For example, some course creators might have existing course materials that they want to import directly into their course without making any changes. Disabling the editor, in this case, would allow for a smoother transition and would save time. Additionally, some users may prefer to create content using an external tool like Microsoft Word or Google Docs and then upload it directly into Thinkific.


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How to Disable the Thinkific Editor 

Disabling the editor is a relatively straightforward process. To do so, you need to navigate to the course builder in your Thinkific dashboard and select the “Settings” tab. From there, you can toggle off the “Use the Advanced Content Editor” option. Once disabled, the editor will no longer appear when creating or editing course content.


In conclusion, the Thinkific editor is a valuable tool that offers course creators a range of features that can help make their courses more engaging and interactive. However, there are several reasons why someone may want to disable the editor, including the desire to import existing course materials or work with external content creation tools. Regardless of the reason, disabling the editor is a simple process that can save time and make the course creation process more efficient.


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