Adding User via URL in Thinkific


When it comes to adding new users to your Thinkific course, you may find it helpful to use a feature that allows you to add users through a unique URL. This method can simplify the process of onboarding new learners and reduce the time and effort required to add users manually. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at how to add users via URL on Thinkific and explore the benefits of this approach.


Benefits of Adding Users via URL

Adding users via URL on Thinkific has several benefits. Some of the key advantages are:


Adding users via URL can save you a lot of time and effort compared to manually adding each user one by one. This is especially useful if you need to add a large number of users at once.

Ease of use

The process of adding users via URL is very simple and straightforward. All you need to do is generate the URL and share it with your users, and they can easily sign up for your course or membership site without any additional input from you.


By adding users via URL, you can easily customize the signup process to fit your needs. You can set up the URL to include specific parameters, such as course access or membership level, to ensure that each user is added to the correct group or level. This can help streamline the onboarding process for both you and your users.

Creating a Custom URL for User Registration

Adding users to a Thinkific course or membership can be done through a custom URL that takes them directly to the registration page. Here are the steps to create a custom URL for user registration on Thinkific:

  1. Log in to your Thinkific account and navigate to the course or membership you want to add users to.
  2. Click on the “Users” tab and then click “Add Users”.
  3. In the pop-up window, select “Add users via URL”.
  4. Enter the user information that you want to pre-fill in the registration form. This can include first name, last name, email address, and any other custom fields you have set up.
  5. Click “Create Link” to generate the custom URL.
  6. Copy the custom URL and share it with the users you want to add to the course or membership.

By using a custom URL for user registration, you can streamline the registration process for your users and ensure that their information is accurate and up-to-date. Plus, it saves you time from manually adding each user to the course or membership.


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Adding Users via Custom URL

Adding users to your Thinkific course is now easier than ever with the ability to add them via a custom URL. Follow these steps to add users via a custom URL:

Generate the custom URL: 

In your Thinkific dashboard, go to the Users section and click on Add User. From there, select the option to “Add User via URL” and generate a custom URL.

Customize the URL: 

Customize the URL with the user’s information, such as their name or email address.

Share the URL with the user: 

Once the URL is generated and customized, you can share it with the user via email or other messaging platforms.

User registers and gains access: 

The user will click on the custom URL and will be directed to a registration page where they will enter their information and create an account. Once they have registered, they will have access to your course.

Adding users via custom URL is a simple and efficient way to quickly add users to your Thinkific course.

Limitations and Considerations

Adding users via URL on Thinkific can be a convenient and efficient way to add users to your courses, but there are some limitations and considerations to keep in mind.

One potential concern is security. While adding users via URL can be an easy way to share access to your courses, it’s important to make sure that you’re not inadvertently sharing sensitive information. It’s also important to ensure that your custom URLs are not easily guessable or shareable and that you’re only sharing them with users who are authorized to access your courses.

To mitigate these concerns, it’s recommended that you use strong passwords for your courses and consider adding multi-factor authentication to your account. You can also limit the number of times a custom URL can be used or set an expiration date for the URL to prevent unauthorized access.

Overall, adding users via URL can be a powerful tool for managing access to your Thinkific courses, but it’s important to consider the potential risks and take appropriate measures to ensure the security of your content.


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If you’re looking for an efficient and easy way to add users to your Thinkific courses, adding users via URL is a great option to consider. By creating a custom URL for user registration, you can streamline the process and save time. Just be sure to consider the potential security concerns and recommended best practices to ensure that your users’ information stays secure. Overall, adding users via URL is a great tool to have in your Thinkific arsenal, and we highly recommend giving it a try.

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