Adding Mathjax to Thinkific


In today’s digital world, online learning platforms have become an essential part of education. Thinkific is one such platform that enables educators to create and sell courses online. However, the platform lacks the ability to display mathematical expressions and equations, which can be a significant drawback for educators teaching math or science subjects. This is where MathJax comes in, a free, open-source JavaScript library that allows the display of mathematical notation in web browsers. In this article, we will explore how to add MathJax to Thinkific and improve the learning experience for students.

MathJax is a library that provides a way to display mathematical notation in web browsers using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It is a free, open-source project developed by the American Mathematical Society, Design Science, and the MathJax Consortium. MathJax supports a wide range of mathematical notation, including LaTeX, MathML, and AsciiMath. This means that educators can use their preferred notation to display mathematical expressions and equations in Thinkific.

Adding MathJax to Thinkific is crucial for educators teaching math or science subjects. Mathematical expressions and equations are an essential part of these subjects and are often used to explain complex concepts. Without the ability to display mathematical notation, educators are limited in how they can present information, and students may have difficulty understanding the material. By adding MathJax to Thinkific, educators can enhance the learning experience for students and improve their understanding of the material.

In this article, we will explore how to add MathJax to Thinkific. We will start by explaining how to enable MathJax in Thinkific and configure it to display the appropriate mathematical notation. We will then demonstrate how to use MathJax in Thinkific content, including adding mathematical expressions to text lessons and embedding mathematical expressions in multimedia content. Finally, we will discuss the importance of adding MathJax to Thinkific and the possibilities for using it in future courses.


Enabling MathJax in Thinkific

To enable MathJax in Thinkific, follow the steps outlined below:

Accessing the Theme Editor

  1. Log in to your Thinkific account and select the course you want to add MathJax to.
  2. Click on the “Theme” tab from the left-hand menu.
  3. Click on the “Edit HTML/CSS” button in the upper-right corner of the screen.

Locating the Header Code Injection Area

  1. In the Theme Editor, navigate to the “Layout” folder in the left-hand menu.
  2. Click on the “Theme.liquid” file.
  3. Scroll down to find the “head” section of the HTML code.

Adding the MathJax Script

  1. Within the “head” section of the HTML code, insert the MathJax script as follows:<script type=”text/javascript” async
  2. Save the changes to the “Theme.liquid” file by clicking on the “Save” button in the top-right corner of the screen.

By following these steps, you have successfully enabled MathJax in your Thinkific course. You can now proceed to configure MathJax to display the appropriate mathematical notation.


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Configuring MathJax in Thinkific

Once you have enabled MathJax in your Thinkific course, you need to configure it to display the appropriate mathematical notation. Follow the steps outlined below to configure MathJax in your course:

Choosing the Appropriate MathJax Configuration

  1. In the “head” section of the HTML code, locate the MathJax configuration section.
  2. Choose the appropriate configuration based on the mathematical notation you will be using in your course.
  3. The three most commonly used configurations are TeX-MML-AM_CHTML, TeX-AMS-MML_HTMLorMML, and TeX-AMS_CHTML.

Customizing MathJax Display Options

  1. MathJax offers a variety of display options that can be customized to meet your needs.
  2. To customize the display options, navigate to the “Config” section of the MathJax script.
  3. Modify the options as needed to control the size, color, and style of the mathematical notation in your course.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

  1. If you are experiencing issues with MathJax, ensure that the MathJax script is correctly installed and configured.
  2. If the mathematical notation is not displaying correctly, ensure that the appropriate MathJax configuration is selected and that your notation is valid.
  3. If you are still experiencing issues, consult the MathJax documentation or reach out to Thinkific support for assistance.

By following these steps, you can successfully configure MathJax in your Thinkific course and display mathematical notation in your content.


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Using MathJax in Thinkific Content

Once you have enabled and configured MathJax in your Thinkific course, you can start using it to display mathematical notation in your content. Follow the steps below to use MathJax in your Thinkific content:

Adding Mathematical Expressions to Text Lessons

  1. To add mathematical expressions to your text lessons, you can use LaTeX notation. For example, to display the equation y = mx + b, you can use the LaTeX code $y = mx + b$.
  2. Be sure to wrap your mathematical notation in the appropriate MathJax delimiters, which are either \[ and \] for displayed equations or $ for inline notation.

Embedding Mathematical Expressions in Multimedia Content

  1. To embed mathematical expressions in multimedia content such as videos or quizzes, use MathML notation.
  2. MathML is a markup language that allows you to represent mathematical notation in an XML format.
  3. MathJax can render MathML code to display the corresponding mathematical notation.

Using MathJax for Displaying Formulas and Equations

  1. MathJax offers a variety of tools for displaying formulas and equations, including a LaTeX editor and a drag-and-drop equation editor.
  2. These tools allow you to create complex mathematical expressions with ease and precision.
  3. Once you have created your mathematical notation, you can simply copy and paste the LaTeX or MathML code into your Thinkific content.

By following these steps, you can use MathJax to display mathematical notation in your Thinkific content and enhance the learning experience for your students.


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In conclusion, adding MathJax to your Thinkific course is an important step towards enhancing the learning experience for your students. By enabling and configuring MathJax, you can display complex mathematical notation in your content with ease and precision.

Recap of the Importance of Adding MathJax to Thinkific

  1. MathJax enables you to display complex mathematical notation in your Thinkific content.
  2. This is especially important for courses in fields such as science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, where the mathematical notation is an integral part of the curriculum.
  3. By using MathJax, you can provide your students with a more interactive and engaging learning experience.

Future Developments and Possibilities for Using MathJax in Thinkific

  1. As technology continues to evolve, there are many exciting possibilities for using MathJax in Thinkific content.
  2. For example, MathJax could be used to create interactive simulations or virtual labs that allow students to explore mathematical concepts in a more hands-on way.
  3. In the future, we can expect to see even more innovative uses of MathJax in online education.

By adding MathJax to your Thinkific course and exploring its full potential, you can stay ahead of the curve and provide your students with the best possible learning experience.

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