Unlocking Thinkific’s Prerequisite Lessons: Why They Matter and How to Create Them


Thinkific is an online course platform that allows educators and businesses to create and sell their courses to a global audience. 

One of the platform’s standout features is Prerequisite Lessons, a tool that helps ensure students have the necessary knowledge and skills before progressing to the next part of the course. This article will explore the importance of Prerequisite Lessons in online learning and provide a step-by-step guide to creating effective Prerequisite Lessons in Thinkific. 

Whether you’re a seasoned educator or new to online teaching, this article will help maximize student learning and engagement.


Understanding Prerequisite Lessons

Prerequisite Lessons are a feature in Thinkific that allow course creators to ensure their students have the necessary knowledge and skills before moving on to the next part of the course. 

Prerequisite Lessons can be used in two ways: to require students to complete a specific lesson before proceeding to the next one or to complete an entire course before moving on to another.

Why Are They Important?

Prerequisite Lessons are important for several reasons. First and foremost, they ensure that students have a strong foundation of knowledge before moving on to more advanced topics. This helps students retain information better and improves the overall learning experience.

Prerequisite Lessons can also be used to structure courses more effectively. By breaking courses down into smaller, more manageable parts, educators can create a more engaging learning experience that encourages students to stay motivated and committed throughout the course.

How Do They Work in Thinkific?

In Thinkific, Prerequisite Lessons work by restricting access to certain parts of the course until the prerequisite has been completed. When students try to access a lesson or course with a prerequisite, they will be prompted to complete the prerequisite before moving on.


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Creating Prerequisite Lessons in Thinkific

Prerequisite lessons can be a valuable tool to help learners acquire the necessary knowledge or skills to succeed in a course. Here is a step-by-step guide to creating prerequisite lessons in Thinkific:

How to Create Prerequisite Lessons in Thinkific

  1. From the admin dashboard menu, select “Manage Learning Products” > “Courses” > Your chosen course where you want to set prerequisite lessons.
  2. Choose the lesson within the course curriculum section of the Course Builder page that you want to designate as a prerequisite.
  3. Next to the lesson title, you will find a checkbox labeled “Make this a prerequisite.” Check the box to set the lesson as a prerequisite.
  4. If you wish to set an entire course as a prerequisite, you can repeat the same process by reviewing each lesson’s settings and checking the box next to “Make this a prerequisite.”
  5. Click “Save” to save your changes.
  6. For every prerequisite lesson, there is a text that your students will see when they encounter one. To customize the text banner, go to the dashboard menu, then click “Settings” > “Learning content” tab > “Modify Text: Learning content.”
  7. You can modify the text your students will see when they try to move on without completing their prerequisite. These texts are divided into three sections: Heading, Explanation, and Label for prerequisite lessons that appear in the course player.
  8. Once you’re finished editing the texts, click “Save” to save changes.

Tips and Best Practices for Setting Up Effective Prerequisite Lessons

To ensure that your prerequisite lessons are effective, consider the following tips and best practices:

  • Identify the specific knowledge or skills learners need to succeed in the course.
  • Ensure that the prerequisite lesson is relevant and necessary for learners to complete.
  • Communicate to learners that the prerequisite lesson is required and explain the benefits of completing it.
  • Set a deadline for learners to complete the prerequisite lesson before they can access the rest of the course content.
  • Test the prerequisite lesson to ensure it functions correctly and learners can complete it.


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Managing Prerequisite Lessons in Thinkific

Once you have created your prerequisite lessons in Thinkific, you may need to manage them occasionally. Here are some guidelines on how to edit or update your prerequisite lessons and how to troubleshoot common issues:

How to Edit or Update Prerequisite Lessons

To edit or update a prerequisite lesson in Thinkific, simply follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Thinkific account and navigate to the course where the prerequisite lesson is, following the previously mentioned steps.
  2. Once you reach the “Courses” page, click the pencil next to the lesson you want to edit.
  3. Make any necessary changes to the lesson content or prerequisite settings. To unlock a prerequisite lesson, uncheck the box next to “Make this a prerequisite.”
  4. Click “Save” to apply your changes.

Note that if you have students who have already completed the lesson or course with the original prerequisite settings, their progress will not be affected by any changes you make.

Troubleshooting Common Issues with Prerequisite Lessons

If you or your students are experiencing issues with prerequisite lessons in Thinkific, here are some common solutions:

Ensure that the Prerequisite Lesson is Properly Configured

Double-check that you have selected the correct lesson or course as a prerequisite and that the setting is enabled.

Check for Conflicting Lesson or Course Settings

Other settings within a lesson or course conflict with prerequisite settings. Review your course and lesson settings to make sure there are no conflicts.

Clear your Browser Cache

If you or your students have trouble accessing a prerequisite lesson, try clearing your browser cache and cookies. This can often resolve issues with course player loading or access.

Following these steps, you should effectively manage your prerequisite lessons in Thinkific and ensure your students have a seamless learning experience.


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In conclusion, Prerequisite Lessons are a valuable tool for online educators and students. By requiring students to complete specific lessons before moving on to more advanced content, instructors can ensure that students have a solid foundation of knowledge to build upon. This can lead to better engagement and retention rates and improved student outcomes.

Thinkific’s Prerequisite Lessons feature makes setting up and managing these lessons within your courses easy. By following the step-by-step guide outlined in this article, you can create effective Prerequisite Lessons that will benefit your students and improve the overall quality of your online courses.

Remember some best practices, such as using clear language and providing engaging content. If you encounter any issues, Thinkific offers comprehensive support and troubleshooting resources to help you get back on track.

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