How Non-Profits Can Benefit from Thinkific’s E-Learning Platform: A Guide to Joining the Program


The Thinkific for Non-Profits program is a great way for non-profit organizations to take advantage of all the Thinkific platform offers, including access to powerful course creation tools, advanced analytics, automated marketing features, and more. With this program, non-profits can create stunning courses that engage their audience while having access to top-tier customer support and training resources. 

E-learning is becoming increasingly important in today’s digital world as businesses adapt quickly to changes caused by market shifts or economic downturns. By leveraging online learning platforms such as Thinkific, nonprofit organizations can stay ahead of trends and remain competitive in their respective industries. 

This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide on how nonprofits can join the Thinkific for Non-Profits program and take full advantage of its features to maximize their organization’s potential through engaging e-learning content creation and delivery capabilities offered by the platform.


Eligibility Requirements

Criteria for Nonprofits to Qualify

To join the Thinkific for Non-Profits program, non-profit organizations must meet certain criteria. 

The organization must be a registered non-profit in good standing with its respective country/state or province and have an active website or social media presence that reflects its mission and impact. Additionally, the organization should have at least three years of operational history. 

Verification Process

Verification requires submitting documentation to prove that your organization meets these eligibility requirements. These documents can include financial statements, formation documents, IRS letters of determination (US), charity registration certificates (Canada), or other official paperwork verifying the status of your organization as a qualified non-profit. 

Documents Needed for Application

When applying for the Thinkific for Non-Profits program, you will need to provide the following documents: 

  1. Proof of nonprofit status
  2. Proof of tenure in operation
  3. A brief statement outlining how Thinkific will help your organization
  4. Contact information, including the name and title of an authorized representative
  5. Website URL or social media page URL (if applicable)
  6. Any additional relevant information about your organization’s mission or impact 


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Benefits of the Program

The Thinkific for Non-Profits program offers a variety of benefits to non-profit organizations. 

Discounted Pricing for Thinkific Plans

Nonprofits that join the Thinkific for Non-Profits Program can access discounted pricing on their Thinkific plans. This allows them to create and deliver courses at a much lower cost, enabling them to maximize their resources. 

Free Training and Support Resources 

Thinkific provides free training and support resources to help nonprofits get started quickly and ensure they can get the most out of the platform. This free training includes access to tutorials, webinars, live chat support channels, and more. 

Custom Branding and Domain Options: 

Nonprofits can take advantage of custom branding options offered by Thinkific. This perk allows them to use their logos or colors within their course design or a custom domain so learners don’t see the default Thinkific URL when accessing courses from their organization’s website or other platforms. 

How to Apply for the Program

Applying for the Thinkific for Non-Profits program is easy. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it: 

  1. Visit the official website of Thinkific and look for the “Thinkific For Non-Profits” section. 
  2. Click on the “Apply Now” button in this section. 
  3. Fill out the required application form with accurate information about your non-profit organization, including its name, mission statement, current programs offered, and more. 
  4. Submit your application once you have completed all fields in the form correctly, and make sure to include any necessary documents (i.e., proof of non-profit status or 501(c)(3) certification).  
  5. Wait for Thinkific’s customer support team to review your application and get back to you regarding their decision within two weeks of submitting your request, notifying you whether or not their team has approved it of experts. 

Tips for a Successful Application

Here are some tips to follow to ensure your application is successful. Firstly, provide detailed answers in every field in the application form so that Thinkific can assess if your organization meets all requirements for approval into the program. These typically include having an active website with valid contact information and a secure payment processing system set up if you plan on selling courses online through their platform. Otherwise, basic course creation features will be available without requiring any payments from learners taking them.   

In addition, ensure that all uploaded documents are complete and valid, as they must be reviewed before approval by Thinkific’s customer support team members before informing you of their decision regarding acceptance into the program. These documents typically include a copy of IRS Form 990 or 501(c)(3) certification, which proves that your non-profit organization is legitimate and eligible for inclusion into this program created specifically for nonprofits only!  

You should expect to receive an answer from Thinkific within two weeks of submitting your application request. However, depending on how busy their customer support team is at any given time, this may vary slightly but should not exceed longer than three weeks before getting an answer about your approval status.


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Case Studies

#1: Smith Foundation

As one of the first non-profit organizations to join Thinkific for Non-Profits, Smith Foundation has leveraged its expertise in creating engaging content and combined it with the Thinkific platform’s powerful course creation tools to launch its online courses. 

The courses have been a tremendous success, reaching a wide audience and helping them promote their mission of providing educational opportunities for disadvantaged youths. Through this partnership, Smith Foundation has made significant progress in achieving its goals and furthering its mission. 

#2: Doe Community Center

The Doe Community Center is another organization that has successfully utilized the Thinkific platform. By leveraging the automated marketing features offered by the program, they created an effective online presence, enabling them to reach more people than ever before. 

They also utilized advanced analytics to track user engagement and make improvements to ensure they delivered relevant content resonating with their target audience. As a result of joining Thinkific for Non-Profits, Doe Community Center grew significantly and expanded its reach in ways never thought possible before. 

By looking at these case studies, it is evident that non-profits can benefit from joining the Thinkific for Non-Profits program by taking advantage of all its features. These benefits include powerful course creation tools, automated marketing capabilities, advanced analytics tracking capabilities, and access to top-tier customer support resources.


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So far, we have discussed how joining this program can help nonprofits stay ahead of trends by leveraging online learning platforms such as Thinkific. By joining Thinkific for Non-Profits, nonprofit organizations can access all the necessary tools to create engaging courses that reach their target audience while having access to top-tier customer support resources. 

With this program, they can stay ahead of trends and leverage e-learning technology to significant progress in achieving their goals and furthering their mission. 

If you would like more information on how your non-profit organization can benefit from joining Thinkific for Non-Profits or need assistance setting up a course on our platform, please visit this website: The Thinkific team is always here to help! 

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